
And Patch 32-35 Up!

Check out the patch notes here- http://vhr3d.orbisgames.com/patchnotes.html

Horse level up feature, and multiple ranches!

Also, please join me on Discord on our new official server, invite link is here:  https://discord.gg/pa6fccQ This will provide an easy place to report bugs, add suggestions or get help. I intend to be there at all hours I am on my computer, which is the bulk of the hours! I

Later this weekend I hope to have wrapped up the planned player skill tree and reveal it.



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Patch 31 Up

Check out here to read the full notes

Lots of cool things! And some really cool things coming later this week.

There are some rare secret Spooky Horses running around, find them in the wild, or a chance to breed them!

New textures and new color combination possible, making some really cool unique looking horses.

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Patcher broken- fix up soon!

Sorry about this all- We know the issue and are working to resolve it ASAP. Meanwhile, if your game is up to date, you can play by going in to the /game/ folder and launching vhorse.exe
I’ll make sure that the most recent client is here to download if it isn’t already.

Lots of updates coming soon!

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Patch 30 Up

You can read notes about the patch here

I realized while working on the jumping button(space key) last minute that – oh! – we didn’t have the rider animation! Anyhow that is now resolved and I will have that in as a priority fix, along with a “halt” key. The performance of these will likely depend on your horse’s stats.

It’s been a heck of a last two weeks. Stupid bots have been attacking our login here so bad that it takes our entire server down (doesn’t effect in-game). Why try for admin passwords if you can’t because you took the server down? I dunno, sounds like stupid bots if you ask me. It is enabled for the time being but may need to go down if we’re attacked again. If you get a prompt before you can even visit the login page- the user is “vhr” and password is “horses” —This is if you need to get to the log in page here (it will prompt you for it if it requires it). It is not to log in to this site in general. Also, if you need assistance for you can always email me at shannoncusick -at- hotmail dot com meanwhile.

I’m unable to replicate the bug where some people can’t go riding (shows isometric view of map, instead of on horse). To help me solve this problem, please email me .log files from C:\Users\{yourname}\AppData\LocalLow\Orbis Games\Vhorsehorse (output_log.txt) to shannoncusick -at- hotmail dot com.

Our artists at YHWH Games! are working on some really cool stuff… modular building. Yep, create a barn to your own customization and ranch as you wish. It’s coming along very cool and I will share with you some images soon. We also plan on allowing clubs to be able to build their own “zone” for their members, and that will come with many more future features. I’ve attached some images below!

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Update coming soon! Logging in here is down

Hey everyone, so our WP login here was getting attacked by bots so bad it was bringing down the entire server. Anyhow, I have mitigated this for now but logging in is not available. You can reach us on facebook or email me at shannoncusick ~at~ hotmail.com .

I am almost finished with the up and coming patch- some nice new features and fixes!

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2/12/2019 patch (version 29)

-You can now scroll through all of a horse’s events
-You can now bid on another horse, and the owner can sell it at his/her discretion.
-Unicorn horns should now display for true unicorns (Unicorn Primus is a tester- I expect we’ll improve their color to match the horn)
-Again, testing if other players see avatars after a rider switches horses
-Speed (movement speed) and Agility (rotation) effects have been reduced while riding- I’m still working on animation speeds.
-Notification removal should be fixed … (I’ve said this before haven’t I?)
-Step 26 on tutorial might be fixed!

What is coming very soon:
-Friends feature w/ teleport to friend option
-Additional fixes of critical bugs that arise.

Sample of a few colors of some awesome hats coming in soon!

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Hotfix patch 2/10/2019

Hey everyone and welcome!! Server is down for a few minutes

Just fixing a few critical things:
–upgrading server (hopefully this fixes wild horse spawn issues, another bandage fix incoming through)
–Event payout increased by x10
–possible fix to not seeing avatar when player is switching horses in front of you (this is tricky to test by my lonesome)
–Trees reduced- if still issues can reduce more!
–Client side patch a bit later tonight: Spawns new players to random zones to also reduce wild horse spawn issues. I can somewhat manually teleport people to friends until our friend feature is finished (new priority on this now). Somewhat meaning: if it is a friend- from another game or real, and I am online at the time!

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Planned ASAP updates and fixes (Sunday-Tuesday)

-Increasing event payout x10
-avatar disappearing to other players when switching horses
-view own events button from ranch page
-“ghosts” riding around cleaned up (non wild horses showing avatar etc..)
-reduce trees by 75%
-Clean up of more equipment bugs
-bids on horses – ability to bid on a horse and check/accept or refuse a bid
-clubs! (may get delayed again, really need to just debug them though)
-Adding Friends/teleport to friends (may get delayed, heavy lifting work is done)
-notifications issues
-Fix chat incoming messages for game ops
-Jump! (space bar)


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Update night of 2/4/2019

A quick update with a bunch of fixes- upcoming patch notes

Hopefully I fixed more things than broke!

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Update is up!!

Beta Release Notes 1/21/2019

Please post comments if you are having issues or bugs

Bug fixes:

–Chat is back up! Sorry our chat server went down when I had the game updates in limbo and could not update it till now.
–Notifications should now delete properly, under testing
–Viewing your ranch panel after viewing another player’s should no longer display their name and ID
–An issue where buying wild horse catches did not work while out riding has been fixed.
–Subscription time not displaying correctly after purchase has been fixed.

New updates

–New UI is slowly being implemented- some sections have it done, others are the old.
–Private breeds can be distributed
–Unicorns! Very rare unicorns can be found through out the world. Or make a fake one and put a faux unicorn horn on your horse.
–New Shop! With categories for equipment, clothing, accessories and the like.
–Quests! A chain of tutorial tasks for a main quest is partially in and under testing
–Human Avatars! You can customize your avatar in the “Avatar” panel, button provided off the ranch page (barn button).
–Horse Tack & Equipment! Everyone should get a starter saddle and bridle. To get more items, you can visit the store or complete tasks in quests

What we’re working on

-Stirrups and Reins, Western style riding animations
-New UI/Quality of life update
-Bidding on horses
-Options (set graphics level, keyboard settings, sound etc..)
-Music, environmental sound & Sound effects
-Fine turning horse controls (speed/agility limits, jumping, etc..)
-Daily tasks
-Horse Level up system
-Player Perk (level) system
-Community gathering instances (marketplace, racetrack, etc…)
-Ranch building
-Inventory organization
-Ability to have multiple ranches per account
-Fine Tuning Equipment & Avatar issues
-More Equipment/Avatar Equipment – and seasonal/holiday themes
-Dozens of new horse patterns and markings
-Advanced chat & subchannels

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